Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oh stress, how I’ve NOT missed you

So far, so good with the bigger breakfast idea. Instead of just having a banana, I’ve been slicing my banana to mix with a plain cup of yogurt, blueberries and sliced almonds, all topped with a little honey. SO delicious, and it keeps me fuller longer.

Sleeping at the libraryNow, on to a new predicament. With finals only a week away, the end-of-semester stress has fully set in. So what does that mean? No sleep, crappy meals, coffee overload, brain fog and overall exhaustion. Well, at least that’s what it meant for me last semester. This time around, I’ve made eating healthy, getting a decent amount of sleep and maintaining, instead of increasing, my usual coffee intake a priority. Let’s be real though, I’m definitely still experiencing stress but not nearly to the degree of what I went through last semester. I realized that at the end of the day, it’s better to just close the computer or put down the book because you won’t retain any information or come up with anything brilliant when it comes to working into the wee hours of the morning anyway. This is at least what I’ve found to work for me, especially as I’ve gotten older. I can’t even tell you how many all nighters I pulled as a freshman and sophomore in my undergraduate years. I have no idea how I was able to do it. Now, as a graduate student, I’ll get to a point where I hit a wall and can’t keep going as much as I try. I need to at least catch a few hours of sleep, and then I can start again in the morning, with a healthy and filling breakfast of course. So, put down the slice of pizza and Red Bull and grab a salad topped with some lean protein as you step away from the study guides, final papers and presentations…before you fall asleep in your study cubicle.

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