Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Back in the Kitchen, Woman

Vegan Mac n CheeseWhen I first went vegan I embraced the whole cooking thing but old habits die hard and I quickly found ways to get around that. One of the great things about NYC is all the delicious vegan options for eating out or ordering in. Some of my favorites include the mac n ‘cheese’ from Loving Hut or the Midtown Melt seitan burger from Blossom Du Jour. It’s easy being vegan when you have someone else to cook it for you! The downside is this is a great way to go broke fast. It’s also probably not totally healthy.

Last week I ordered lunch from Blossom almost every day. In order to meet their $15 delivery minimum I ended up spending about $20/day. That’s $100 for the whole week! I’m a graduate student not a member of the Jonas Brothers.

Vegan LasagnaIt’s time to get back in the kitchen and channel my inner Julia Child (if she were a vegan). I’ve found that if I don’t cook on Sunday nights I’m screwing myself for the week because by the time I get home from school the last thing I’m going to do is cook. One of the up sides to being single is that you can make a dish Sunday night and it will last you through the week, or at least part of it. At the risk of sounding un-American, this week I made a cheeseless lasagna complete with tofu/cauliflower ricotta. I know that seems like something you would feed your dog but honestly it’s freaking amazing. Isa Chandra Markowitz is a genius and I’m living off her cookbook, Appetite for Reduction

So to all you vegan maybes out there I highly suggest you buy this cookbook or at least just give the roasted cauliflower ricotta lasagna a shot. I mixed it up a bit and halved the amount of spinach and added in grilled mushrooms, squash and zucchini. Things were getting ca-razy in my kitchen!
My second favorite recipe from the book is the Mango BBQ beans. Freaking awesome. I ate them over brown rice then did a little dance.

Happy cooking.

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