Friday, April 13, 2012

Frugal Fitness

So I spent most of my life being the really skinny girl with no boobs or ‘assets’ to boast of. I always wanted to put on a little weight so I would be curvy and not look like a damn 9 year old. But no matter what I ate—ice cream, burgers, cookies, greasy chicken--…u name it, I probably threw it at my face…but it never showed. Then I graduated from college, started working, stopped dancing, yoga and pilates, and guess what…I put on about 50 pounds in a span of 4 months. I kid you not; whoever said “be careful what you wish for” was no fool. I woke up one day, took a look in the mirror, felt disgusted at what I saw and decided to fix it. I went on my own rendition of a diet and a strict daily 2-hour workout. I lost about 25 pounds in 2 weeks. I wasn’t obsessing about how I looked any more, and I gradually shed the rest of the weight over the following 2 months.

The moral of my story is this: I like quick fixes. Extract the negative connotations, basically I am impatient and become extremely aggressive when I really want something. I need to see instant results or I get discouraged. I find a way to make them more than just a quick fix after the results come to fruition. The way I did that in this instance was to change my eating habits and remain active. Until now…

With the stress of being in grad school and being too poor (side-eye @ school loans) to get a gym membership or pay for dance classes, my jeans are feeling rather snug and it’s not cute! So I’m back in revamp mode. Nothing too drastic like before though, mama just needs some toning! :D Follow me on my quick fix journey to fitness. Along the way hopefully you will pick up some tips on living and feeling healthy (on a budget ;)), looking your best, and managing your time so you can stop to take care of yourself. But if all that fails, perhaps you will just have a laugh at my ice cream deprived self for at least trying. Cheers to that! (with water, not alcohol because I say NO to calories). 


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