Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hello Vegan Donuts!

One of the reasons I was initially drawn to being a vegan was that someone told me you could eat as much as you wanted, as long as it was vegan of course. That sounded great. Cutting out certain foods seemed a lot easier than starving myself. And let’s be honest, at times I’m a bit of an emotional eater so being a vegan meant I wouldn’t have that eater’s regret after stuffing my face. I mean if I’m stuffing my face with spinach and hummus that can’t really be bad right?
So here I am feeling a bit restricted by options but not by portions. Well, turns out there’s a whole world of specially made vegan items to get you through the day. I never really feel restricted. There are vegan cookies, donuts, cream cheese, ice cream, brownies, pastries, chocolate, cupcakes, the list goes on. I wasn't a big sweets person before but every time I would see one of these items I had to eat it because it was there. “Oh my god a vegan sheet cake! I better eat all of that!” ...And I wonder why I haven’t lost weight. Turns out you really can’t eat as much of whatever you want. I was pounding down 250 calories of cookies a day. Looser jeans that does not make. After four months of being a vegan I’m now on a mission to be a healthy vegan. I will still indulge a little bit as I deserve some reward for my efforts (and I'm human) but I won’t find it necessary to fill my mouth with every vegan item I see. I’m talking to you, vegantella. 
I’ve included a picture of some recent vegan cupcakes I consumed just to torture you and myself a little bit. Next time I spring for one of these I’ll split it with a friend. Sharing is caring. 
Vegan Cupcakes


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