Monday, April 16, 2012

Beast Mode!

Hey fatties!

Got my gym membership over the weekend- $55/month!!! Yaaaay me! I signed up for just a month because that's all the time I need to go hard. After that, I can work out at home on my pilates mat and go running by the Hudson. :D Got my groceries for the week as well. Spent under $30. This week I will be drinking tons of water-- no lemonade or iced tea (sigh). For breakfast: nonfat milk and cornflakes. For lunch: yogurt/smoothie/fruit or a protein bar. For dinner: grilled chicken/fish (seasoned with fresh herbs-- no pre-packaged spices, trying to avoid all that sodium) and steamed vegetables/salad. When I get hungry (because we all know I will), my go-to things will be water, water and more water!

Tilaplia and garden saladHere's a pic of dinner for tonight: I threw together a garden salad drizzled with italian dressing that I made from scratch, and a fillet of grilled tilapia seasoned with rosemary, oregano, thyme and a pinch of salt.

The idea here is to have no more than 1000 calories/day and to go easy on the carbs (goodbye rice, pasta, potatoes and all your delicious friends). Yeah, some people might say that's no good but it worked for me so I'm sticking to the tried and true stuff here. No meals after 8pm and working out twice day. In the gym I'm trying to burn at least 400 calories/day on the treadmill and then rotate lower and upper body workouts throughout the week.

I know I'm going to want to eat a cow with this regiment but perseverance is key here. Nobody ever achieved anything without hard work. Well-- maybe the trust-fund babies did, but that's another conversation for another day.

Wish me luck, fatties!


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