Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baby Steps

A Healthier Life
Everyone seems to have their on take on a ‘healthy lifestyle’. It’s very similar to religion: people have their own bounds as to what’s acceptable and what’s not.  AND only one in a thousand actually follow it to the T (or tee…whichever one it is). Just to warn you before hand - I am not that one in a thousand. I am a drinker and a foodie. And to top it off, I am astonishingly lazy!

I have never been much of a dieter. I love my food and alcohol way too much. So I have decided to try something different. Something I can actually stick to for longer than a week. Instead of cutting out complete food groups from my diet, I am going to cut out certain unhealthy activities. My goal is to get relatively healthier without drastically changing what I eat – and hopefully in turn I will be bestowed with the gift of a reduced waistline and a smaller butt.

I will start off this blog by stating 3 changes I want to make to my lifestyle this week. Every week that I actually achieve all 3 things listed below, I will add another activity to the list. I believe this will be a lot more effective in the long run as it is a change of lifestyle versus a short burst of anorexia.

So what are my targets for the week?

#1 Eat breakfast everyday (Yes, I am one of those that skips ‘the most important meal of the day’)
#2 Replace beer intake with red wine (Come on! Its a step in the right direction!)
#3 Work out for 45 minutes at least 3 times a week

I don’t think my body can handle anymore change than that for now!! I will let you know how it goes.

Cheers for now!

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