Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Jeans Mini Crisis

Alright, ladies. Let’s admit it. We’ve all had that morning(s) where we wake up, brush our teeth, wash our face, make our way sleepily over to the closet, grab our go-to jeans, and then, oh wait, scratch that – OH SHIT! They’re not fitting! Why are they so tight?! Why am I bulging over?! Well, it’s simple, really. Calories in must equal calories out if you want to keep fitting into those perfect jeans. Now, I know it doesn’t always seem that easy. But don’t fear! There are simple things you can do to slim down and be back in those jeans in no time. How do I know this? I’ve recently experienced this exact mini crisis. I say “mini” crisis because it’s a matter of getting yourself back on track for a week or two. No need for a major lifestyle change here. And I know, I know. How did I, the gym rat of the bunch, let my jeans get too tight? It happens. The calorie scale can still tip even when you’re working out. And I know there are others out there who have experienced this too!

So, what can you do?

1. Stop eating wasted calories. Do you really need a soda, even a diet one? Or cheese on your salad? Or the side of mediocre french fries that came with your meal? Or the 2% milk latte instead of the skim? By thinking about the little changes we can make in our day-to-day eating habits, the calories we can reduce from our diets will start to add up and make a difference.

2. Move…or move more. Even if you can’t make it to the gym, get in a little stretching or go for a walk. Any movement will help with the calories out part of the formula.

3. Create a new goal or incentive to stay disciplined and motivated once you’re back in your jeans. You don’t want to quickly find yourself in the same mini crisis all over again.

I’ve been in back-on-track mode for almost a week now. I think I need another week before I’ll be completely happy with where I am, but I can say that the jeans are definitely fitting better today than on Monday. Whew!

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