Saturday, April 21, 2012

Eating on the go

Eating on the goI did it. I made it a whole week without eating the free (and delicious) food at the office. Ok so I had ONE free beer Friday afternoon, but I’m willing to look past that. I think I can keep this up. But let’s get to the bigger picture. My daily routine during the week doesn’t support the best eating schedule. The second my alarm goes off at 7am, I’m constantly on the go until I get back to my apartment around 10pm. Long days, for sure. And maybe I don’t look as fabulous as Blake Lively eating on the go, but it’s something I’ve become very familiar with. I’ll usually eat a banana or piece of fruit for breakfast. Coffee is most definitely part of my morning too. Then, I usually don’t get a chance to eat again until 1 or 2 at which point I’ll eat a handful of almonds and maybe an apple. Then I’ll usually eat an energy bar (I’m a fan of the Clif bars) between 5 and 5:30 right before class. By the time I get home, I’m tired and hungry – NOT a good combination. And because I’m on the go from my apartment to school to work and back to school, I can’t really carry around anything that needs to be refrigerated, meaning less variety in what I have to choose from to eat during the day. And I don’t want to buy food every day because that can get ridiculously expensive. This week I’m going to try something new. I’m going to eat a bigger breakfast, so I can feel fuller longer, and then continue to snack throughout the day. I’m hoping by doing this, I won’t feel like I need to eat everything in sight by the time I get home. And I just went to the grocery store and bought all healthy options, so even if I do try to eat everything sight, it’ll be ok…right? :)

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