Sunday, April 15, 2012

Can’t I Just Work Out and Eat Whatever I Want?

Alright, so I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a “gym rat,” but you get the idea. I work out, but I have an obsession with food. I should also mention that I’m a full time grad student who works 30+ hours a week. Needless to say, living a healthy lifestyle given a crazy schedule doesn’t always work out. However, I will say that it’s much easier for me to get myself to the gym versus saying no to a slice of pizza or a chocolate chip cookie. So, I’m sure you can already imagine my dilemma. I work out, but I love food, meaning it’s a lot harder to see results when it comes to any type of weight loss. My plan, for now, is to work toward a fitness goal while slowly cutting out things I could stand to eat less. My fitness goal is to be able to run in a 10K at the beginning of June. You might think this isn’t a very ambitious goal, but I’ve never loved running, so this should be a challenge in and of itself. As far as the food I’ll start to cut out of my eating habits, I think for this first week, I’ll try to eat less sweets.

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