Friday, April 27, 2012

Relationship Building

I work in PR. We use the term "relationship building" all the time.

So, I got to thinking. Why should my approach to food be any different? The truth is, it shouldn't. Just like any other, your relationship with food is something you have to work on.

There are things we love in life. I love food. I love cooking. I love cooking for people. I love wine. 

I love going out to dinner and trying new, amazing, expensive restaurants. I love hole in the wall Mexican restaurants. I love the most absolutely decadent flaky and delicious croissants ever made from Tartine Bakery in San Francisco.

I love it all!

What I never want to feel is anger or resentment when I indulge in any of my favorite things. This is why I am constantly striving for #balance. Because we all know, with too much indulgence, your pants get tight, your heart gets heavy and your spirits go down. I really don't believe in self-deprivation. But I do believe that everything in moderation is good. Because, if after a long week, that glass of California Zinfandel makes you feel good and makes you feel closer to home... I say... ENJOY! 

I've said it once, I'll say it again. Knowing I would be enjoying some well-earned wine tonight, I kept my calorie intake otherwise low. Oatmeal for breakfast. Salad with turkey for lunch. Fruits and nuts for snacks. I promise, it works!

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